New Website

For new and recent content, please visit us at our new website,, and update your bookmarks. Blog posts will be posted at

We will be retiring this blog soon. Any content that is taken offline will still be available by request to the PEIACSW office: Thank you!

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Community Notices and New Website

New Website:
We are excited to report that the online version of yesterday’s e-news will be posted on the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women’s new website, in development at We will be retiring this blog and our very old InfoPEI website in the coming weeks. Any content that is retired will still be available by request to the PEIACSW office.


Welcome to our Community Events and Notices E-News for Thursday, April 2, 2020

New listings this week:

1) PEI Status of Women Teleworking Re: COVID-19 Response
2) Job Opportunity at Coalition for Women in Government
3) PEI COVID-19 Resource Webpage
4) Psychiatric Urgent Care Clinics – Mental Health and Addictions
5) PEI Fight for Affordable Housing Updates re Covid-19
6) Updating You on 211 PEI
7) CMHC’s safety measures and precautions in response to the coronavirus
9) Canadian Breast Cancer Network and COVID-19
10) March 30 Update from Confederation Centre of the Arts
11) Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
12) Note from PEI Family Violence Prevention Services (PEI FVPS)
13) Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF): We’ll continue our fight for substantive equality amid COVID-19 impacts
14) This Evening: Hand Lettering for Beginners with Tiffany MacMillan
15) Let’s Fill Facebook with Poems for Poetry Month
16) Re PEI Status of Women Weekly E-News

The current and past issues of our Thursday E-News with upcoming community events and notices are available at the following links:


Previous listings by title

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Community Notices

Welcome to our Community Events and Notices E-News for Thursday, March 19, 2020

New listings this week:

1) PEI Status of Women Teleworking Re: COVID-19 Response
2) MMIWG National Inquiry: Where to from here? March Sessions Cancelled, Study Groups Postponed
3) PEI COVID-19 Resource Webpage
4) Community Legal Information – Our response to COVID-19
5) Community Conversation Series: Cancelled
6) Scholastic – 20 days of Free Lessons for PreK-9+
7) CDHPIVP is seeking to interview survivors of severe domestic violence as well persons who lost someone to domestic homicide
8) Re PEI Status of Women Weekly E-News

The current and past issues of our Thursday E-News with upcoming community events and notices are available at the following links:


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MMIWG National Inquiry: Where to from here? March Sessions Cancelled, Study Groups Postponed

Important Notice:

The March study group sessions are cancelled and April dates are postponed. We will consider new dates in the coming months.

A study group to examine the Calls to Action and what they mean for settler Canadians seeking justice and reconciliation. Indigenous ceremony will ground the discussion. Counselling support on site. Snacks provided. All are welcome.

March 24 – cancelled
April 7 & 21 – postponed
May 5

Confederation Centre Public Library
145 Richmond Street
Tuesdays: 12:00-1:00pm

March 26 – cancelled
April 9 & 23 – postponed
May 7

Eptek Art & Culture Centre
130 Heather Moyse Drive
Thursdays: 5:00-6:00pm

Hosted by the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women and the PEI Aboriginal Women’s Association, in partnership with the Confederation Centre Public Library and Eptek.

MMIWG Website:

For more information:
Tel: 902-368-4510

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Community Notices

Welcome to our Community Events and Notices E-News for Thursday, March 12, 2020

New listings this week:

1) “Courage in Her Veins” – 2020 International Women’s Day Commentary by Chairperson Debbie Langston
2) Thanks and International Women’s Day Photo Gallery
3) MMIWG National Inquiry: Where to from here?
4) CBC News – Stopping Domestic Violence Webpage
5) PEIBWA Activities
6) Reporting on Gender-based Violence: A Guide for Journalists
7) Cultural Awareness Workshop
8) New website promotes cyber well-being for Island youth
9) National Caregiver Day Free Webinar
10) MSSU Student Awards
11) Save the Date: Upcoming Workshops with Shelley Case

The current and past issues of our Thursday E-News with upcoming community events and notices are available at the following links:


Previous listings by title

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International Women’s Day Gallery 2020

“Like a Woman” International Women’s Day 2020 was another happy celebration of women’s achievements, talents and skills, as well as a call for equal human rights for women worldwide. Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate and advocate.

Special guests Hon. Antoinette Perry, Lieutenant Governor of PEI and Hon. Natalie Jameson, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women joined speakers Debbie Langston, ACSW Chairperson, Selvi Roy (Atlantic Council for International Cooperation), Mame Faty Sarr (Action Femmes), Rosanna Kressin (UPEI HIVE). Performers were Poet Laureate Julie Pellissier-Lush (Indigenous Round Dance), Claire Byrne and Cameron Cassidy (Chilean resistance movement), and Reequal Smith (Bahamian dance). Carol Stevenson-Seller led in singing the Bread and Roses anthem.

Financial and time resources were contributed by the Interministerial Women’s Secretariat, local unions, women’s and social justice organizations (see complete sponsor list at the end of the photo gallery). Advisory Council staff and Council members (current and past) were invaluable as always. Our sister organization, Women’s Network, offers genuine and generous support.

A special thank you to the women of the IWD Organizing Committee who set up and arranged the participatory activities and excellent presentations: Amy Clerk, Shelby Downe, Paxton Caseley, and Donna Dingwell. Additional volunteers on March 8th were Callista Tan and Robin Ettles (sound techies), Megan Dorrell (a rockstar at the Kids Station!), and Jaime Griffin (button-making goddess!). And last but not least, big appreciation to the wonderful Mistress of Ceremonies, Farahnaz Rezaei.

(You can view the photos by scrolling down on this page or click on the first photo and flip through the photo carousel that displays, using the arrows).



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Courage in Her Veins: International Women’s Day 2020 / Courage dans ses veines : Journée internationale des femmes 2020

le français suit

Debbie-Langston-Chair-PEI-Status-of-WomenInternational Women’s Day gives women an opportunity to celebrate all that we are and all that we have achieved. It allows us to pause and reflect on the unique challenges that women face and how much work is left for us to do.

For too long women have been dismissed. A passionate woman is emotional, an assertive woman is angry, and an angry woman is hysterical. But the rhetoric is changing. Women are changing the narrative. Refusing to be silent any longer, women are raising their voices in unison, demanding to be heard.

Around the world women young and old are stepping into roles as leaders, leading the way in scientific discoveries and inspiring us as role models. In Chile, the feminist movement Las Tegas led a call to action with their anthem decrying gender violence. In Finland, a coalition government was formed with the five women leaders of the country’s political parties. In the US, Dr. Katie Bouman developed an algorithm for imaging black holes. In Sweden, seventeen-year-old Greta Thunberg sparked a global movement in support of climate action. And in Canada, fifteen-year-old Autumn Peltier is raising awareness of clean drinking water as a basic human right. Meghan Markle, one of Canada’s newest residents, rejected as the antithesis of British Royalty, had the courage to put her family and her values first.

Of the many battles still to be fought is the perpetual and insidious objectification of women. In the so-called civilized West, men seek to disempower the voice of a young woman with images of graphic violence being perpetrated against her. While the most powerful man in the world looks to broker peace talks in Afghanistan, the resulting impingement of women’s rights is readily accepted as collateral damage.

When women are devalued, the imbalance of power propagates the violation of our human rights. Denial of education, female genital mutilation, honour killings, forced marriage, sex trafficking, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and homicide are all products of a culture that measures the worth of a human being by their gender?. A quotation by Elizabeth Peratrovich states, “Asking you to give me equal rights implies that they are yours to give. Instead, I must ask that you stop trying to deny me the rights that all people deserve.” Her words embody the fight of all marginalized populations and serve as a reminder that women’s rights are fundamental human rights.

As enshrined by the United Nations 70 years ago, women have the right to live free from violence, slavery, and discrimination. Women have the right to an education, to vote, and to work for a fair and equal wage. These rights are vital in protecting women and in building safe and peaceful communities. When women are free to exercise self-determination, economies and countries prosper.

In PEI, the birthplace of Confederation, the PEI Famous Five, and L.M. Montgomery, a champion of the voice of strong women we currently have women leaders at all levels of government and actively involved in politics. Women are finding their voice and place in leadership in many sectors. A multitude of women, unsung heroes, work tirelessly in NGOs and community organizations advocating for others.  Yet we must go further if we want to build safe and thriving communities.

You cannot be a feminist without being political. For every woman who is successful, there are numerous others who are struggling. Women are bearing the burden of working “double shifts”, acting as carers, and running single-parent households. In order to build stronger, healthier communities we have to address these inequalities. Social supports, violence prevention, poverty reduction, and affordable housing are important initiatives that improve the lives of women. When women are represented in positions of power we see change.

The many women around the world who are celebrating International Women’s Day today are that force for change. Take a look at the woman close to you. See your reflection in her eyes, your passion in her heartbeat, your strength in her posture, and your courage in her veins. Change is coming, and she is coming in the proud form of a woman.

Debbie Langston of Blooming Point is the Chairperson of the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women.


La Journée internationale des femmes est une occasion pour les femmes de souligner ce qu’elles sont et ce qu’elles ont accompli. Nous pouvons prendre le temps de réfléchir aux défis uniques auxquels sont confrontées les femmes et au travail qu’il reste à faire.

Pendant trop longtemps, les femmes ont été laissées de côté. Une femme passionnée est émotive, une femme déterminée est colérique et une femme colérique est hystérique. Mais le discours change, grâce aux femmes. Refusant de garder le silence plus longtemps, elles unissent leurs voix, exigeant d’être entendues.

Partout dans le monde, les femmes de tous les âges exercent des rôles comme chefs de file, montrant l’exemple en matière de découvertes scientifiques et étant pour nous des modèles inspirants. Au Chili, le mouvement féministe Las Tegas a lancé un appel à l’action avec son hymne dénonçant la violence sexiste. En Finlande, les cinq femmes dirigeant les partis politiques du pays ont formé un gouvernement de coalition. Aux États Unis, Dr Katie Bouman a conçu un algorithme permettant de visualiser des trous noirs. En Suède, Greta Thunberg, dix sept ans, a lancé un mouvement mondial de lutte contre les changements climatiques. Au Canada, Autumn Peltier, quinze ans, sensibilise la population à l’eau potable comme un droit fondamental de la personne. Meghan Markle, une nouvelle résidente au Canada, rejetée comme l’antithèse de la royauté britannique, a eu le courage de mettre sa famille et ses valeurs au premier rang.

La chosification perpétuelle et insidieuse des femmes fait partie des nombreuses batailles encore à livrer. Dans les pays occidentaux prétendument civilisés, les hommes cherchent à miner la voix d’une jeune femme au moyen d’images de la violence graphique dont elle a fait l’objet. Pendant que l’homme le plus puissant du monde cherche à négocier un accord de paix en Afghanistan, l’usurpation des droits des femmes qui en résulte est largement acceptée comme des dommages collatéraux.

Lorsque les femmes sont dévalorisées, le déséquilibre du pouvoir propage la violation des droits de la personne. Le déni d’accès à l’éducation, la mutilation génitale des femmes, les crimes d’honneur, le mariage forcé, la traite de personnes à des fins sexuelles, l’agression sexuelle, la violence conjugale et l’homicide découlent d’une culture qui détermine la valeur d’un être humain par son genre. Voici une citation d’Elizabeth Peratrovich : « Si je vous demande de m’accorder les mêmes droits, c’est dire que vous les possédez. Je vous demande plutôt de cesser de vouloir me priver des droits que tous les peuples méritent. » Ses paroles témoignent de la lutte de toutes les populations marginalisées et rappellent que les droits des femmes sont des droits fondamentaux de la personne.

Comme l’ont entériné les Nations Unies il y a 70 ans, les femmes ont le droit de vivre sans violence ni esclavage ni discrimination. Les femmes ont le droit d’être scolarisées, de voter et de recevoir un salaire juste et équitable. Ces droits sont essentiels pour protéger les femmes et créer des collectivités pacifiques et sécuritaires. Lorsque les femmes exercent librement leur droit à l’autodétermination, l’économie et les pays prospèrent.

À l’Île-du-Prince Édouard, le berceau de la Confédération, avec le « Club des cinq » de l’Î. P. É. et L.M. Montgomery, une championne de la voix de femmes fortes, nous avons actuellement des dirigeantes dans tous les ordres de gouvernement qui sont engagées en politique active. Les femmes trouvent leur voix et leur place dans des postes de direction dans de nombreux secteurs. Un grand nombre de femmes, héroïnes méconnues, travaillent inlassablement au sein d’ONG et d’organismes communautaires se portant à la défense des autres. Mais il faut faire davantage pour bâtir des collectivités sécuritaires et prospères.

On ne peut être féministe sans faire de la politique. Pour chaque femme qui a du succès, il y en a beaucoup d’autres qui éprouvent des difficultés. Les femmes font une « double journée de travail », agissant comme aidantes naturelles et cheffes de famille monoparentale. Nous devons corriger ces inégalités pour créer des collectivités plus fortes et plus en santé. Le soutien social, la prévention de la violence, la réduction de la pauvreté et le logement abordable sont d’importantes initiatives qui améliorent la vie des femmes. Lorsque les femmes sont représentées dans les postes de pouvoir, des changements s’opèrent.Les femmes qui, partout dans le monde, soulignent aujourd’hui la Journée internationale des femmes sont cette force de changement. Regardez la femme près de vous. Voyez votre reflet dans ses yeux, votre passion dans son cœur qui bat, votre force dans son attitude et votre courage dans ses veines. Des changements s’annoncent. La femme y jouera un rôle de premier plan.

Debbie Langston de Blooming Point est présidente du Conseil consultatif sur la situation de la femme de l’Î. P. É.

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Community Notices

Welcome to our Community Events and Notices E-News for Thursday, March 5, 2020

New listings this week:

1) Happy International Women’s Day! Celebration at Trinity United Hall This Sunday Afternoon
2) International Women’s Day…Because of You
3) IWD at Saint Paul’s Anglican Church
4) PEI Status of Women Annual Report
5) Clocks Go Forward this Sunday
6) Applications being accepted for Seniors’ Secretariat grants
7) Common Ground Anniversary Edition Launch and Celebration
8) Charlottetown Food Council community conversations
9) Matues Revisited: Opening Reception
10) Youth Mental Health Forum
11) Spring Book Sale
12) The Government of PEI Takes Action re Breast Density Results
13) PEIBWA Activities
14) Save the Date: Fabric and Yarn Sale


The current and past issues of our Thursday E-News with upcoming community events and notices are available at the following links:


Previous listings by title

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Community Notices

Welcome to our Community Events and Notices E-News for Thursday, February 27, 2020

New listings this week:

1) Some PEI International Women’s Day Celebrations Happening Next Week
2) PEIBWA Activities
3) Here We Go! Barn Dance
4) Waste Management on PEI Session – hosted by PEIANC
5) Danya O’Malley (PEIFVPS) to be Interviewed on CBC’s Maritime Noon, March 5
6) Islanders Invited to Comment on Upcoming Changes to Children’s Law Legislation
7) Family Violence Prevention Week 2020 Photos
8) Moo Let’s Talk
9) Seeds of Community Presents: Seedy Saturdays 2020
10) Reminder to Register Your Child for Kindergarten
11) Islanders encouraged to take part in Residential Tenancy Act consultations
12) Register today! Training March 12: Collecting Data Throughout the Project Cycle – Halifax
13) Community Symposium on Land and Water – March 11 in Wheatley River
14) Save the Date! Take Back the Night
15) Coming to Summerside! New Managers Certificate from UPEI

The current and past issues of our Thursday E-News with upcoming community events and notices are available at the following links:


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Community Notices

Welcome to our Community Events and Notices E-News for Thursday, February 20, 2020

New listings this week:

1) International Women’s Day Celebration – Like a Woman – Célébration de la Journée internationale des femmes
2) Songs of PEI Black History with the Scott Parsons Trio
3) Show #6-MY VOICE: Stories of Black Women
4) Tenants Action Meeting
5) Information booklet available to help Island women manage perimenopause and menopause
6) PEIFVPS is Hiring – O’Leary
7) Complete review of Employment Standards Act to benefit Island workforce and employers
8) Employment Standards Comprehensive Review Panel
9) Spring Registration for UPEI Professional Development Courses
10) Save the Dates! PEER Education and Empowerment Project
11) PEIBWA Activities

The current and past issues of our Thursday E-News with upcoming community events and notices are available at the following links:


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